Delete Lightsail snapshots - Amazon Lightsail

Delete Lightsail snapshots

Delete instance, database, and disk snapshots in Amazon Lightsail if you no longer need them to avoid incurring a monthly charge.

Delete an individual snapshot
  1. On the Lightsail console, choose Snapshots tab.

  2. Find the Lightsail resource whose snapshot you want to delete, and choose the right-arrow to expand the list of available snapshots for that resource.

  3. Choose the actions menu icon (⋮) next to the snapshot you want to delete, and choose Delete snapshot.

          Delete a snapshot in the Lightsail console.
  4. Choose Yes to confirm that you want to delete the snapshot.


    This is a permanent operation and can't be undone. You will lose all data on the snapshot when you delete it.

Delete multiple snapshots
  1. From the Lightsail home page, choose Snapshots.

  2. Find the Lightsail resource whose snapshots you want to delete, and choose the right-arrow to expand the list of snapshots.

          Use the shortcut menu to show your disk snapshots and delete multiple disk
  3. Choose Delete multiple.

  4. Choose the snapshots you want to delete, and choose Delete.

  5. Choose Yes to confirm that you want to delete the snapshots.


    This is a permanent operation and can't be undone. You will lose all data on the snapshots when you delete them.